1. Composition
1.1 Staffing Matters & Urgency Committee is a Committee of Full Council and shall be proportionate in its composition.
1.2 The Chair and Vice Chair of the Committee will be appointed by Full Council.
2. Role
2.1 The Staffing Matters & Urgency Committee of Council may undertake all non-executive functions relating to staffing matters excluding disciplinary related matters involving Chief Officers (statutory and non-statutory) and all non-executive functions in case of emergency.
3. Functions
to appoint Chief Officers in accordance with the procedures at
Appendix 12 of this Constitution, and to determine the terms and
conditions on which they hold office (excluding procedures for
their dismissal).
be the committee of Council responsible for the strategic overview
of workforce and employment matters to ensure the delivery of good
quality services to the people of York.
have strategic oversight of key strategies as the basis for people
management within the Council, including pay strategy, learning and
development strategy, workforce development strategy.
arrange for the conduct of the recruitment and selection process in
respect of the following Chief Officers:
a) The Head of Paid Service. NB this appointment is subject to Full Council approval
b) The Section 151 Officer
c) The Monitoring Officer
d) Corporate Directors
e) Directors
f) Assistant Directors
conducting its recruitment functions the Committee may establish
Chief Officer appointment sub-committees of no less than three
elected Members including at least one Member of the
3.6 In respect of Staffing Conditions, the Staffing Matters and Urgency Committee will have the following decision making functions:
· In respect of Chief Officers only:
a) Approval on the exercise of LGPS and discretionary compensation related discretions in accordance with the City of York’s Local Government Pension Scheme 2021 Discretions Policy
b) To approve restructures at Chief Officer level of the Council
c) All pay related issues relating to Chief Officers
· In respect of non-Chief Officers:
a) To note redundancy, retirement and settlement agreements
4. Other staffing issues
4.1 To consider and note Workforce Demographics and any referrals arising from CCNC (Corporate Consultation Negotiation Committee).
5. Constitutional Appointments
5.1 On behalf of Full Council to approve in year changes to the Membership of Committees. These changes will be reported to Full Council at the earliest opportunity.
6. Urgency
6.1 The committee is empowered to authorise all non-executive functions (other than those which must, by law, be exercised by Full Council), in circumstances of urgency, where it is necessary to obtain a decision on any matter without delay.
6.2 In relation to any urgent matter, which involves the exercise of Executive functions, the Committee shall act in an advisory capacity to the Executive Leader or their substitute Executive Member, who shall have regard to the advice when exercising the relevant function. [Subject to legal requirements for taking an urgent Executive decision].
6.3 For the purposes of determining whether the Urgency Committee ought to exercise the above delegations a decision is regarded as urgent if it cannot reasonably be deferred to the next available Council, Executive or Committee for determination and any such delay is likely to seriously prejudice the Council’s or the public’s interests.